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​After History's Hegemony," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 82 (2023) 254- 255.


"A Robot Named Heidegger,” Homing the Machine in Architecture, Edited by Zach Cohen and Galo Canizares (London: Routledge, 2024), 169-173.


“Data, AI and the Dialectics of More,” Washington University Review of Philosophy, Volume 3, 2023, pp. 93–99.


“The “Indianized” Landscape of Massachusetts” Places (Feb 2021)


“Modernity and the Chieftain Continuum,” Dialectic VII: Architecture and Citizenship Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy (2019) pp. 59-67.


Mark Jarzombek, Eliyahu Keller, and Eytan Mann. “Site-Archive-Medium: VR, Architectural History, Pedagogy and the Case of Lifta.” Footprint 14/2 (2020).


“A House Deconstructed: An Uncertainty Manifesto,” Thresholds (2021), pp; 71-78.


E-FLUX: The Quadrivium Industrial Complex


E-FLUX: The School of Architecture Scandals



“Modernity and the Chieftain Continuum,” Dialectic VII: Architecture and Citizenship Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy (2019) pp. 59-67.


“Husserl and the Problem of Worldliness, Log 42, 2018, pp.  67 -  79


"Kant, Modernity, and the Absent Public" in The Missed Encounter of Radical Philosophy with Architecture, edited by Nadir Lahiji (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), pp. 69-78.


"Are We Homo Sapiens Yet? From Sapiens to Hunter/Gatherers" Thresholds 42 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Department of Architecture, 2014), pp 10-17.


"The Cunning of Architecture's Reason," Footprint (#1, Autumn 2007), pp. 31- 46.


"The Post-traumatic Turn and the Art of Walid Ra'ad and Krzystof Wodiczko: From Theory to Trope and Beyond" in Trauma and Visuality in Modernity, Saltzman, Lisa and Eric Rosenberg, editors (Lebanon, NH: Dartmouth College Press/University Press of New England, 2006)


"The (Trans)formations of Fame,"PERSPECTA 37: Famous (2005): 11-17. 


"The Saturations of Self: Stern's (and Scully's) Role in (Stern's) History," Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture No. 33, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1997): 7-21. 


"Recognizing Ruskin: Modern Painters and the Refractions of Self"Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 32, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1997): 70-87.


"Ready-Made Traces in the Sand: The Sphinx, The Chimera and Other Discontents in the Practice of Theory,"Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 19 (Spring 1993): 73-95. 





“Eco-Pop” in The Return of Nature: Sustaining Architecture in the Face of Sustainability Edited by Preston Scott Cohen and Erika Naginski (NY: Routledge, 2015), pp. 121-129.


"Presence and the Architectural Imperative" in Presence: a conversation at Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, Edited by Jürg Bertold, Philip Ursprung, Mechtild Widrich, pp. 89 –99. 


"The Shanghai Expo and the Rise of Pop-Arch," Log 31 (Spring/Summer 2014), pp. 145-160. 


"Dialectics of Death in the Civilian Era: Hans van Houwelingen's Sluipweg" Future Anterior Vol 8 no. 2, (Winter 2011), pp 12-19.


"The Metaphysics of Permanence -- Curating Critical Impossibilities" Log 21(Winter 2011), pp. 125-135.


"ARUPtocracy and the Myth of a Sustainable Future" Thresholds 38, 2011, pp 64-65.


"The State of Theory" in Architecture and Theory: Production and Reflection, Luise King editor. (Hamburg, Germany: Junius Verlag, 2009): 262-273.


"The Civilian and the Crisis of the Utopian Monument" in Krzysztof Wodiczko, City of Refuge: A 9/11 Memorial Mark Jarzombek and Mechtild Widrich eds. (London, UK: Black Dog Publishing, 2009): 61-66.


"Architecture: A Failed Discipline,"Volume 19, 2009, pp 42-45.


"I Am an Architectural Historian,"Positions (Issue 0, Fall 2008), pp 58-61.


"Fasil Giorghis, Ethiopia and the borderland of the architectural avant-garde," Construction Ahead (May-Aug 2008): 38-42.


"A Green Masterplan is Still a Masterplan," in Urban Transformation,Ilka and Andreas Ruby eds.(Berlin: Ruby Press, 2008): 22-29.


"Un-Messy Realism and the Decline of the Architectural Mind,” Perspecta, Vol. 40, Monster (2008), pp. 82-85 


"Disciplinary Effects: An Anti-Pragmatic Manifesto" Volume 3, 2006, pp 158.


"Sights of Contention" posted on Appendx: Culture/Theory/Praxis, published and distributed annually by APPX.

"The Mapplethorpe Trial and the Paradox of Its Formalist and Liberal Defense: Signts of Contention", Apendx2, 1994, pp 59-79.


"Haacke's Condensation Cube: The Machine in the Box and the Travails of Architecture," Thresholds 30: Microcosms (Summer 2005): 99-103. 


"Sustainability - Architecture: between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems,"Blueprints 21/1 (Winter 2003), pp. 6-9. or Turkish translation: "Surdurulebilir Mimarlik: Donuk Sistemlerle Habis Sorunlar Arasinda," Arredamento Mimarl?k, (Journal of Design Culture) no. 100+56 (March 2003): 38-39. also printed in English: "Sustainability, Architecture, and "Nature" Between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems" Thresholds 26: denatured (Spring 2003): 54-56.


"Critical or Post-critical?," Architectural Theory Review 7/1 (April, 2002): 149-151. 


"Bernhard Hoesli Collages/Civitas," in Bernhard Hoesli: Collages, exh. cat. , Christina Betanzos Pint, editor (Knoxville: University of Tennessee, September 2001), 3-11.


"Dresden's New Synagogue and the Problematics of Bauen," Il Progetto 7 (Spring 2001): 287-33; Thresholds 20: Be-longing (Spring 2000): 20-25.


"Molecules, Money and Design: The Question of Sustainability's Role in Architectural Academe," Thresholds 18: Design & Money (Spring 1999): 32-38. 







Mark Jarzombek, Eliyahu Keller, and Eytan Mann. “Site-Archive-Medium: VR, Architectural History, Pedagogy and the Case of Lifta.” Footprint 14/2 (2020).


The Rise of the So-called Premodern. GSAPP Transcripts: The Urgencies of Arcitectural Theory. (Columbia University, 2015), pp. 132 - 143.

"A Prolegomena to Critical Historiography," Journal of Architectural Education 52/4 (May 1999): 197-206.


"The Disciplinary Dislocations of (Architectural) History," The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians(Winter 1999): 488-493. 


"Meditations on the Impossibility of a History of Modernity: Seeing Beyond Art's History," in The Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge, Martha Pollak, editor (Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: The MIT Press, 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 195-216.






“Architecture in the 1990’s the Mies van der Rohe Award, and the Creation of the Civilization Industrial Complex,”  Rethinking Global Modernism,  Edited By Vikramaditya Prakash, Maristella Casciato, Daniel E. Coslett, (New York: Routledge, 2021), 83-99.


“A House Deconstructed: An Uncertainty Manifesto,” Thresholds (2021), pp; 71-78


“Positioning the Global Imaginary: Arata Isozaki, 1970,” Critical Inquiry 44 (Spring 2018), 498 – 527.


"The Alternative Firmitas of Maurice Smith," A Second Modernism: MIT, Architecture, and the 'Techno-Social Moment, Edited by Arindam Dutta (SA+P Press, Cambridge MA), 2013, pp. 553-573.


"Corridor Spaces" in Critical Inquiryvol 36, no. 4, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Summer 2010), pp 728-770.


"Working Out Johnson's Role in History," Philip Johnson. The Constancy of Change (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009)


"Disguised Visibilities: Dresden/"Dresden," Log (issue #6, Fall 2005): 73-82.


"Disguised Visibilities: Dresden/"Dresden," in Memory and Architecture, Edited by Eleni Bastea (University of New Mexico Press, November 2004)


"Joseph August Lux: Werkbund Promoter, Historian of a Lost Modernity,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 63/2 (June 2004): 202-219.


"Framing the Museum," in Museum der Moderne Salzburg [Museum of Modern Art Salzburg], Jury: Luigi Snozzi, Friedrich Achleitner, Hermann Czech, et. al. (Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, May 2004).


"Joseph August Lux: Theorizing Early Amateur Photography - in Search of a Catholic Something,'" Centropa, Journal of European Architecture and Art 4/1 (January 2004): 80-87. 


"The Discourses of a Bourgeois Utopia, 1904-1908, and the Founding of the Werkbund," in Imagining Modern German Culture: 1889-1910, François Forster-Hahn, editor (University Press of New England, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1996), 127-145.


"'Good-Life Modernism' and Beyond. The American House in the 1950s and 1960s: A Commentary," The Cornell Journal of Architecture (Fall 1990): 76-93.





“Modernity and the Chieftain Continuum,” Dialectic VII: Architecture and Citizenship Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy (2019) pp. 59-67.


“The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Political Symbolism of the Periphery,”  Perspecta 52, (December 2019), 136 – 145.


"The Identitarian Episteme: 1980s and the Status of Architectural History," in After Effects: Theories and Methodologies in Architectural Research, Edited by Helene Frichot, Gunnar Sandin, and Bettina Schwalm, (London: Actar Publishers, 2018), pp. 99-109


Positioning the Global Imaginary: Arata Isozaki, 1970, Critical Inquiry 44 (Spring 2018), 498 – 527.


"Borneo: The River Effect and the Spirit World Millionaires" in A History of Architecture and Trade, Edited by Patrick Haughey (London: Routledge, 2018) 80 – 114.


"Architecture: The Global Imaginary in an Antiglobal World” Grey Room 61 (Fall 2015) 111-125


"The Power of Red" saturatedspace (an online publication), Oct. 20, 2012, 10 pgs.


With Alfred B. Hwangbo, "Global in a Not-so-Global World", Journal of Architectural Education vol. 64, issue 2, March 2011, pp 59-65


"Art History and its Architectural Aporia", in Art and Globalization, edited by James Elkins, Alice S. Kim and Shivka Valiavicharska (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010), pp. 188-194.


"Lalibela and Libanos, The King and the Hydro-Engineer of 13th Century Ethiopia, A Connection to India?" in Cities of Change: Addis Ababa, Edited by Marc Angélil and Dirk Hebel (Zurich: Birkhauser, 2009) pp.76-79


"Horse Shrines in Tamil India: Reflections on Modernity" in Future Anterior, Vol 6, # 1 (Summer 2009), pp 18-36.





"The Structural Problematic of Leon Battista Alberti's De pictura,"Renaissance Studies 4/3 (September 1990): 273-285.


"Pilaster Play," Thresholds 28: concerto barocco (Winter 2005): 34-41.


"Das Enigma von Leon Battista Albertis dissimulatio," in Theorie der Praxis: Leon Battista Alberti als Humanist und Theoritker der bildenden Künste, editors Kurt W. Forster and Hubert Locher (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999), p. 203-216.

sample pages of book




The Settler Colonial Present: Three Corrections


"The website for the CCA makes it abundantly clear that the CCA wants to acknowledge Native American presence on the site of their new campus expansion. “Traces of human activity on the site from millennia ago were discovered during the planning process for the new campus,” leads the CAA to include the Ohlone peoples, the “first stewards of the Bay Area,” into their discussions. But did the architects really listen? Seemingly not."


Digital Post Ontology


"Discussing who we are in the digital age is no easy task. Everyone and their grandmother, so to speak, has an opinion. But to call in data experts is for sure a fundamental fallacy. The news is out: the age of data optimism is over. Yet we are stuck in processes of producing Self, like flies on sticky paper. To make sense of the current situation, we need to ask the question of how we got to this moment in time. This of course needs to be supplemented by the question of how we study the present. But even that presupposes a more formidable question: how do we speak from within the subject position of the present?"


Distributed Learning


"The new era of “distributed learning”—sited at the intersection of digital capitalism and disaster capitalism—will only weaken the communitarian value of learning as it moves down from professional education to the university, high school, and eventually grade school. It will not open the world to new possibilities, but reformat it—as the basic relationship between knowledge and power has always done—around those with more privileged access and those with less. Distributed learning might make learning even less distributed than ever before."


The Quadrivium Industrial Complex


"Architecture today is addicted to four basic products: steel, concrete, glass, and plastic. Each is a figure in the hyper-industrial world in which we live. We are living in the golden age of the Quadrivium Industrial Complex. Though imagined by Modern architecture, it was only in the end of the twentieth century that the Quadrivium became unquestioned universals, made so by great global corporations in alliance with the rise of neoliberal globalization….Yet this golden age will not last forever."


The School of Architecture Scandals


"Theory—in whatever formation—failed to address the rise of nationalism in the post-colonial context. It is astonishing how little attention the discipline-constructing realities of nationalism attracted. More national museums were created in the last thirty years than existed in the previous hundred. They all need curators and book venues, not to mention architectural monuments to salivate over. In China, Eurocentrism was replaced by Sinocentrism. And this is true in many countries. In India, regulations from the 1980s stated that 50% of books used in architectural curricula have to have the word “Indian” in the title. In a complex, global world, is it really a victory when Eurocentrism is replaced by nation-centrism?"

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