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Mark Jarzombek

Professor, Department of Architecture

    School of Architecture and Planning

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology


        77 Massachusetts Avenue

        Cambridge MA 02139-4307

        Room 3-305


            617-258-8440 (alt: 617-258-8439)

·       Professor, History and Theory of Architecture, Department of Architecture, MIT, 2005 to the present 

·       Co-Founder with Vikramāditya Prakāsh: Global Architecture History Teaching Collaborative,

             (funded by a 3.5 million dollargrant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation) [2013- 2022] 

·       Co-Founder with Vikramāditya Prakāsh: Office of (Un)Certainty Research [2018-]


Past Academic and Administrative Positions 

·       Interim Dean, School of Architecture and Planning, MIT, 2014 to 2015 

·       Associate Dean, School of Architecture and Planning, MIT, 2007 to 2014 

·       Director of History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and Art, Department of Architecture,

         MIT, 1996-2007 

·       Associate Professor, History and Theory of Architecture, Department of Architecture, MIT, 1996-     2005 

·       Visiting Associate Professor of the History of Architecture, MIT, 1995-1996 

·       Associate Professor, History of Architecture and Urbanism, Cornell University, 1993-1995 

·       Assistant Professor, History of Architecture and Urbanism, Cornell University, 1987-1993 



1986 Ph.D., History of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

1980: Diplom Architekt, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (E.T. H.), 
1970 -1973: University of Chicago 



Academic Membership 

·       Society of Architectural Historians 

·       College Art Association 

·       DOCOMOMO (New England Chapter) 

·       Architectural Humanities Research Association 

·       Back Bay Historical Society 

·       Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft



2020: MISTI Grant - Tiergarten: Augmented Historical Pedagogies.

2019: MISTI Grant – Spain: Mapping Global Architectural Histories 

on Modernism

2019: Andrew Mellon Foundation for GAHTC ($1 million)

2018: MISTI Grant - Israel: Retelling Lift, Israel.

2016: Andrew Mellon Foundation for GAHTC ($1.5 million)

2013: Andrew Mellon Foundation for GAHTC [Global Architectural 

History Teaching Collaborative]  ($1 million) 

2010: Widdess Award, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland 

2009: Fulbright Senior Specialist Award, Council for International Exchange    of Scholars of the Institute of International Education 

2008: Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Award, MIT 

2005: Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Award, MIT 

2003: Graham Publication Award for Global Architecture (New York: 

Wiley Press, 2004) 

2003: Wiley Press, Travel Grant, with Vikramāditya Prakash and Francis 

D.K. Ching. 

2003: Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Award, MIT 

2002: Award from the American Embassy (Berlin) and Checkpoint 

Charlie Stiftung 

2001: Graham Award for East European Art and Architecture, MIT, (with 

co-chair Juliana Maxim) 

1998: Graham Award for Architecture, Art and Cultural History

 (History Theory Criticism 25th Anniversary Symposium), MIT 

1995: Martin Dominquez Distinguished Teaching Award, Cornell University 

1994: Paramount Professor Award in Recognition of Excellence of 

Teaching from the Panhellenic Councils, Cornell University 

1994: Mellon Travel Grant (to Paris)
1991,90: Dean's Award for Excellence from the College of Architecture, Art 

and Planning Mellon Travel Grant (to Italy) from Cornell University Western Studies Program 




2018: Visiting Scholar,  American Academy in Rome

2005: Fellow at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute 

(Williamstown, MA) 

2001: Resident Fellow at the Canadian Center for Architecture

 (Montreal, Canada) 

1993-4: Resident Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ) 

1986-7: Post-doctoral Resident Fellow at the J. Paul Getty Center for the 

History of Humanities and Art (Santa Monica, CA)

1985: Chester Dale Resident Fellow at the National Gallery of Art

 (Washington, DC) 


Exhibitions Curated


"Office of (Un)Certainty Research: Retrospective," Co-curated with Vikramaditya Prakash, University of Washington, Seattle, (2024)

“Drawing, Designing, Thinking: 150 Years of Teaching Architecture at MIT,”

Co-curated with Gary Van Zante, MIT Museum (2019)


“Cities of Angkor,” MIT Museum’s Wolk Gallery, MIT, April 28, 2009 to September 15, 2009. 

 House Deconstructed [Office of (Un)Certainty Research]: Venice Biennale, 2019/2020


Tirtha: A Recomposting Temple [Office of (Un)Certainty Research]: Space, Time, Existence, Venice (Palazzo Bembo), 2020





House Deconstructed, Actar Press, 2023


 Architecture Constructed: Notes on the Discipline, Bloomsbury, 2023


The Long Millennium: Affluence, Architecture and Dark Matter Economy, Routledge, 2023


The Data-Human: Who Are We? Amazon, 2020


Digital Stockholm Syndrome in the Post-Ontological Age (University of Minnesota Press, 2016).


Architecture of First Societies: A Global Perspective (New York: Wiley Press, October 2013). 


A Global History of Architecture (New York: Wiley Press, August 2006) with Vikramāditya Prakash and Frances D.K. Ching, 800 pages. Second Edition published August 2010. Third Edition, 2015.


Designing MIT: Bosworth’s New Tech (Boston: Northeastern University Press, October 2004), 159 pages. 


Urban Heterology: Dresden and the Dialectics of Post-Traumatic History, volume 2 in the Studies in Theoretical and Applied Aesthetics series, (Lund: Lund University, Spring 2001), 92 pages. 


The Psychologizing of Modernity: Art, Architecture and History (Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 311 pages. 


On Leon Battista Alberti: His Literary and Aesthetic Theories (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989), 258 pages. 



Edited Books 

City of Refuge, A 9/11 Memorial by Krzysztof Wodiczko co-edited with Mechtild Widrich (London, UK: Black Dog Publishing, July 2009), 144 pages. 



Chapters in Books 


“Architecture in the 1990’s the Mies van der Rohe Award, and the Creation of the Civilization Industrial Complex,”  Rethinking Global Modernism,  Edited By Vikramaditya Prakash, Maristella Casciato, Daniel E. Coslett, (New York: Routledge, 2021), 83-99.

"The Identitarian Episteme: 1980s and the Status of Architectural History," After Effects: Theories and Methodologies in Architectural Research, Actar: 2018


"Borneo: The River Effect and the Spirit World Millionaires," A History of Architecture and Trade, Edited by Patrick Haughey (London: Routledge, 2018) 80 – 114


"Presence and the Architectural Imperative," Presence: A conversation at Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, Edited by Jürg Bertold, Philip Ursprung, MechtildWidrich, (Sternberg, 2016) pp. 89 – 99.


"Eco-Pop," The Return of Nature: Sustaining Architecture in the Face of Sustainability, Edited by Preston Scott Cohen and Erika Naginski (NY: Routledge, 2015), pp. 121-129. 


“The Rise of the So-called Premodern,” GSAPP Transcripts: The Urgencies of Architectural Theory (Columbia University, 2015), 132-143.


“Kant, Modernity, and the Absent Public,"  The Missed Encounter of Radical Philosophy with Architecture, edited by Nadir Lahiji (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), pp. 69-78.


"The Alternative Firmitas of Maurice Smith,"  A Second Modernism: MIT, Architecture, and the 'Techno-Social Moment, Edited by Arindam Dutta (SA+P Press, Cambridge MA), 2013, pp. 553-573.


"Art History and its Architectural Aporia",  Art and Globalization, edited by James Elkins, Alice S. Kim and Shivka Valiavicharska (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010), pp. 188-194. 


“A Connection to India? Lalibela and Libanos, the King and the Hydro-Engineer of 13th Century Ethiopia” in Cities of Change Addis Ababa: Transformation Strategies for Urban Territories in the 21st Century, Marc Angélil and Dirk Hebel editors (Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag AG 2010), pp 76-79.  


“The Civilian and the Crisis of the Utopian Movement,” City of Refuge, A 9/11 Memorial by Krzysztof Wodiczko, Co-edited by Mark Jarzombek and Mechtild Widrich (London, UK: Black Dog Publishing, July 2009). 


"The State of Theory," Architecture and Theory: Production and Reflection, Luise King editor. (Hamburg, Germany: Junius Verlag, 2009): 262-273. 


“Working Out Johnson’s Role in History,“ Philip Johnson. The Constancy of Change. Edited by Emmanuel Petit (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009) 


"The Post-traumatic Turn and the Art of Walid Ra'ad and Krzystof Wodiczko: From Theory to Trope and Beyond,” Trauma and Visuality in Modernity, Saltzman, Lisa and Eric Rosenberg, editors (Lebanon, NH: Dartmouth College Press/University Press of New England, 2006) 


“Disguised Visibilities: Dresden/"Dresden," Memory and Architecture, Edited by Eleni Bastea (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, November 2004) 


“Framing the Museum,” Museum der Moderne Salzburg [Museum of Modern Art Salzburg], Jury: Luigi Snozzi, Friedrich Achleitner, Hermann Czech, et. al. (Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, May 2004). 


“Das Enigma von Leon Battista Albertis dissimulatio,” in Theorie der Praxis: Leon Battista Alberti als Humanist und Theoritker der bildenden Künste, editors Kurt W. Forster and Hubert Locher (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999), p. 203-216. 


"Meditations on the Impossibility of a History of Modernity: Seeing Beyond Art’s History.” The Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge, Martha Pollak, editor (Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: The MIT Press, 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 195-216. 


“The Discourses of a Bourgeois Utopia, 1904-1908, and the Founding of the Werkbund,” Imagining Modern German Culture: 1889-1910, FrançoisForster-Hahn, editor (University Press of New England, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1996), 127-145. 



Book Translations 

Driller, Joachim, The Breuer House, 1923-1973 (New York: Phaidon Press, 2001), 256 pages, Edited and Translated by Mark Jarzombek from the German Marcel Breuer, Die Wohnhäuser, 1923-1973 (Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GmbH, 1998). 


Fritz Neumeyer, The Artless Word: Mies van der Rohe (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991), 380 pages, Edited and Translated by Mark Jarzombek from the German Mies van der Rohe. Das kunstlose Wort. Gedanken zur Baukunst (Berlin Wolf Jobst Siedler GmbH, 1986). 




“Data, AI and the Dialectics of More,” Washington University Review of Philosophy, Volume 3, 2023, pp. 93–99.

“The 'Indianized' Landscape of Massachusetts” Places (Feb 2021)


“Modernity and the Chieftain Continuum,” Dialectic VII: Architecture and Citizenship Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy (2019) pp. 59-67.​

Eliyahu Keller, Mark Jarzombek and Eytan Mann. “Site-Archive-Medium: VR, Architectural History, Pedagogy and the Case of Lifta.” Footprint 14/2 (2020).


“A House Deconstructed: An Uncertainty Manifesto,” Thresholds (2021), pp; 71-78


“Modernity and the Chieftain Continuum,” Dialectic VII: Architecture and Citizenship Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy (2019) pp. 59-67.

“The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Political Symbolism of the Periphery,” Perspecta 52 (2019) pp. 136-145.


“Husserl and the Problem of Worldliness,” Log 42, 2018, pp.  67 -  79. 


“Positioning the Global Imaginary: Arata Isozaki, 1970,” Critical Inquiry 44 (Spring 2018), 498 – 527.


"Architecture: The Global Imaginary in an Antiglobal World” Grey Room 61 (Fall 2015) 111-125.


"The Shanghai Expo and the Rise of Pop-Arch" Log 31 (Spring/Summer 2014), pp. 145-160. 


"Are We Homo Sapiens Yet? From Sapiens to Hunter/Gatherers" Thresholds 42 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Department of Architecture), pp 10-17

"The Power of Red" saturated space (an online publication), Oct. 20, 2012, 10 pgs.


"Global in a Not-so-Global World" With Alfred B. Hwangbo, Journal of Architectural Education vol. 64, issue 2, March 2011, pp 59-65.


"Dialectics of Death in the Civilian Era: Hans van Houwelingen's Sluipweg" Future Anterior Vol 8 no. 2, Winter 2011, pp 12-19. 


"The Metaphysics of Permanence -- Curating Critical Impossibilities", in Log 21 (New York, NY: Anyone Corporation, 2010), pp. 125-135. 


“Corridor Spaces" in Critical Theory vol. 36, no. 4, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Summer 2010), pp. 728-770. 


“ARUProcracy and the Myth of a Sustainable Future,” Thresholds 38 (Summer 2010) pp. 64-65 


“Post-Sustainability, ” Smartcities + Eco-warriors (New York: Routledge, 2010) pp. 247-249.


“Architecture: A Failed Discipline” Volume 1: Architecture of Hope (2009): 42-43 "Horse Shrines in Tamil India: Reflections on Modernity" in Future Anterior, (Vol 4, # 1, 

Summer 2009), pp 18-36.

“A Conceptual Introduction to Architecture” Log 15 (Winter 2009): 89-98 


"Un-messy Realism and the Decline of the Architectural Mind," PERSPECTA 40: Monster (2008): 82-85 


"I am an Architectural Historian," Positions #0: Positioning Positions (Fall 2008): 58-61


“Fasil Gioghis, Ethiopia and the Boarderland of the Architectural Avant-garde,” Construction Ahead, 13 (Fall 2008) 38-42.

“A Green Masterplan is Still a Masterplan,” Urban Transformations, Edited by Ilka and Andreas Ruby (Berlin: Ruby Press, 2008), 22-29.

“A Conceptual Introduction to Architecture,” Thresholds 33: Formalisms (Spring 2008). 

"Lalibela and Libanos. The King and Hydro-Engineer of 13th Century Ethiopia," Construction Ahead, (May-June 2007).


"From Corridor (Spanish) to Corridor (English); or, What’s in Your Corridor?" Thresholds 32: Access (2006): 6-11. 


“The Trans(formations) of Fame,” Perspecta 37: Famous (2005): 11-17. “Disguised Visibilities: Dresden/”Dresden”” Log, (Fall 2005): 73-82. 


"Haacke’s Condensation Cube: The Machine in the Box and the Travails of Architecture," Thresholds 30: Microcosms (Summer 2005): 99-103. 


“Architecture against Architecture: Disengaging the Metaphysical Alliance” Thresholds 29: Inversions (Winter 2005): 67-70. 


“Pilaster Play” Thresholds 28: concerto barocco (Winter 2005): 34-41.

“Joseph August Lux: Werkbund Promoter, Historian of a Lost Modernity,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 63/2 (June 2004): 202-219.

“Joseph August Lux: Theorizing Early Amateur Photography – in Search of a Catholic 

Something.’” Centropa, Journal of European Architecture and Art 4/1 (January 2004): 80-87. 


“Sustainability – Architecture: between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems,” Blueprints 21/1 (Winter 2003), pp. 6-9. Turkish translation: “Surdurulebilir Mimarlik: Donuk Sistemlerle Habis Sorunlar Arasinda,” Arredamento Mimarlık, (Journal of Design Culture) no. 100+56 (March 2003): 38-39. also printed in English: “Sustainability, Architecture, and “Nature” Between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems” Thresholds 26: denatured (Spring 2003): 54-56. 


“L’onde traumatique,” Les Cahiers de médiologie: La scène terrorists 13 (2002): 221-233.


 “MIT's ‘New Tech,’” Dialogue, Architecture+Design+Culture 65 (December 2002): 119-121. 


“Bellotto’s Dresden: Framing the Dialectics of Porcelain” Thresholds 25: Sacrosant (Fall 2002): 39-42. 


“Critical or Post-critical?” Architectural Theory Review 7/1 (April, 2002): 149-151.
"The Getty Kouros, From History to "History" and Back," Thresholds 23: Deviant (Fall, 2001): 96- 97. 


“Bernhard Hoesli Collages/Civitas,” Bernhard Hoesli: Collages, exh. cat. , Christina Betanzos Pint, editor (Knoxville: University of Tennessee, September 2001), 3-11.


“Joseph August Lux: Fighting Fashion with the Kodak,” Thresholds, 22: Fashion (Spring 2001): 54-63. 


“Dresden’s New Synagogue and the Problematics of Bauen,” Il Progetto 7 (Spring 2001): 287- 33; Thresholds 20: Be-longing (Spring 2000): 20-25. 


“The M.Arch. Program: A King with No Clothes” Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture No. 41, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (April 2000): 34. 


“The Disciplinary Dislocations of (Architectural) History,” The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Winter 1999): 488-493. 


“Lapidary Readings,” Thresholds 19: Readings (Fall 1999): 45-53.

“Molecules, Money and Design: The Question of Sustainability’s Role in Architectural 

Academe,” Thresholds 18: Design & Money (Spring 1999): 32-38. 


“A Prolegomena to Critical Historiography,” Journal of Architectural Education 52/4 (May 1999): 197-206. 


“Alberti, Leon Battista (1404-1472)," Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), Vol 1, pp. 43-46. 


“The Saturations of Self: Stern’s (and Scully’s) Role in (Stern’s) History,” Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture No. 33, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1997): 7-21. 


“Recognizing Ruskin: Modern Painters and the Refractions of Self”, Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 32 , MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1997): 70-87. 


“The Victim and the Hangman: The Enigma of Alberti’s Winged Eye,” The Cornell Journal of Architecture: media of representation (1996): 46-51, 152. 


"De-Scribing the Language of Looking: Wölfflin and the History of Aesthetic Experientialism," Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 23 (Summer 1994): 28-69. 


"The Mapplethorpe Trial and the Paradox of its Formalist and Liberal Defense: Sights of Contention," AppendX, No. 2 (Spring 1994): 58-81. 


"The Kunstgewerbe, the Werkbund, and the Aesthetics of Culture in the Wilhelmine Period," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 53/7 (March 1994): 7-19. 


"Ready-Made Traces in the Sand: The Sphinx, The Chimera and Other Discontents in the Practice of Theory," Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 19 (Spring 1993): 73-95. 


"The Victim and the Hangman: The Tragedy of the Humanist Eye," Architecture California, Vol. 14, No. 1 (May 1992): 43-49. 


"The Crisis of Interdisciplinary Historiography," Journal of Architectural Education 44/3 (May, 1991): 150-55. 


"The Structural Problematic of Leon Battista Alberti's De pictura," Renaissance Studies 4/3 (September 1990): 273-285. 


"”Good-Life Modernism” and Beyond: The American House in the 1950s and 1960s: A Commentary," The Cornell Journal of Architecture 4 (Fall 1990): 76-93. 


"Post-Modern Historicists, The Historian's Dilemma," Thresholds, 4 (Spring, 1988): 88-96; Marco Diani and Catherine Ingraham, eds., Restructuring Architectural Theory (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1988), 86-98. 


"Mies van der Rohe's National Gallery, and the Problem of Context," in Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 2 (February 1987): 33-43. 


Guest-Edited Periodicals 

‘East-European Art and Architecture,’ Centropa, a Journal of Central European Architecture and Related Arts 3/2 (May 2003): 93-157, (co-editor Juliana Maxim), with articles by Evá Fargács, Kataryzna Murawska-Muthesius, Deborah Schultz, Ana Miljacki, and Martin Patrick. 


‘Corporate Architecture,’ Journal of Architectural Education 54/2 (November 2000): 67-94, with articles by Gwendolyn Wright, Reinhold Martin, and Jim O’Brien. 

‘Contemporary Historiography,’ Journal of Architectural Education 52/4 (May 1999): 184-225, (co-editor Kazys Varnelis) with articles by Sibel Bozdoganand Panayiota Pyla. 




Minor Articles and Reviews 

Review of three books on Alberti: Branko Mitrovic's Serene Greed of the Eye: Leon Battista Alberti and the Philosophical Foundations of Renaissance Architectural Theory (2005); Liisa Kanerva's "Defining the Architect in Fifteenth-century Italy: Exemplary Architects in L. B. Alberti's De re aedificatoria(2006); and the catalogue to an exhibition at the Musei Capitolini, Rome, June 24-Oct. 16, 2005, edited by Fiore with Nesselrath, "Roma di Leon Battista Alberti umanisti, architetti e artisti alla scoperta dell'antico nella città del Quattrocento" (2005). “On Alberti,” in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 244-246, June 2007. 

“Authentic, ”Architourism: Authentic, Escapist, Exotic, Spectacular, Joan Ockman and Salomon Frausto eds. (Prestel, New York, NY: 2005): 40-41. 

Review of Panayotis Tournikiotis, The Historiography of Modern Architecture (The MIT Press, 1999) in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 60/1 (March 2001): 107-108. 

“Commentary on Building Myths: Evolution, Wood, Iron and the Rise of the Nation.” Perspecta 31 (2000): 141. 

“Post-1950s Architecture, Disciplinary Problematics,” Journal of Architectural Education 54/2 (November 2000): 67. 

Review of Christine Smith's Architecture in the Culture of Early Humanism: Ethics, Aesthetics and Eloquence, 1400-1470 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992) in Annali di architettura, Rivista del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, (Summer, 1994), Vol. 6: 174-176. 

"History Turned to Stone: A Report on the Holocaust Memorial Symposium, Cornell University, Dept. of Architecture, 1992," the Bookpress, Vol. 2, No. 5, (Ithaca, NY: June 1992): 1,14. 

Review of Leon Baptista Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavernor, in Design Book Review 18 (Spring 1990): 57-58. 

"Replanting the Tree of History in the Garden of Eden," Arcade: The Northwest Journal for Architecture and Design, vol. 7 no 6, (February/March 1989): 25. 

Review of Alan Windsor, Peter Behrens, Architect and Designer, in Design Book Review 1, (Winter, 1983): 11. 

"Lyonel Feininger: Die Weimarzeit," in Deutsche Kunst des 20.Jahrhunderts, exh. cat., (Frankfurt am Main: Stadtische Galerie am Stadelschen Kunstinstitut, 1983), 131-139. 



Conference Proceedings 

“The (Trans)formations of Fame,” in Architecture Between Spectacle and Use, Anthony Vidler, editor. (Williamstown, MA: Clark Studies in the Visual Arts, 2008). Presentation given April 29, 2005, Williamstown, MA. 

“The Enigma of Alberti's ‘Dissimulatio,’” Leon Battista Alberti, published in Actes du Congrès International de Paris, 2000, Francesco Furlan, editor. Conference sponsors: Sorbonne, Institut de France, Institut cultural italien and College de France. Presentation given April 14, 1995, Sorbonne, Paris. 

"From the Theory of Construction to the Construction of Theory: Recent Changes in How Architects View the World," published in Symposium on Architecture and Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Technology Conference proceedings (July 1989): 188-190. Presentation given February 24, 1989, New Orleans. 

Conference Papers/Guest Lectures/Keynote Addresses Keynote: “The Chieftain Continuum”,” Henrietta Louis Johnson Symposium, University of Utah, August 27, 2018. “The Paradox of Global,” Amherst College, March 1, 2018Keynote: "Digital Post-Ontology" at the Becoming Digital Conference , at the Taubman College of the University of Michigan, Feb 3, 2018“Global Reflections,” Conference on World History in the 19th century, Leiden November 30, 2017“The State of Theory,” e-flux Conversation, New York, Nov. 14, 2017Teetzel Lectures at University College, U of Toronto“From Euro-Centrism to Nation-Centrism,” Elhanani Lecture Series, Teknion, Israel Jun 19, 2017. “Angkor Museum of Fine Arts,” Boston, March 9, 2016,  “Ur and Eridu: The First Cities,” Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, March 2, 2016,“Beyond Dresden,” Fitch Colloquium, Sept 20 2016. “The Question of Global Asia,” Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul Korea, Dec. 4, 2015.“Anthrocntrism” Architectural Association, London, Nov. 3, 2015"Architecture of the MIT Campus," MIT Tech Reunions, June 6, 2014 "The Theory Moment," 2000+: The Urgencies of Architectural Theory Conference, GSAPP, Columbia University April 18, 2014 "Corridic Modernism" Harvard Humanities Center Seminar: Architecture and Knowledge series, Sackler Museum, February 19, 2014 "Architecture's History: Global Transformations in a Not-So-Global World," Yale Architectural Forum #13, Art History & School of Architecture sponsoring, ale University, January 27, 2014 "The Kantian City," Extra City Museum, Antwerp, November 14, 2013 "Global in a Not So Global World" DISCUSSIONS series in Architectural History and Theory, University of Washington, St. Louis Oct. 16, 2013 "Architecture and its History in the Global Age," Klai Juba Lecture Series, School of Architecture, University of Nevada - Las Vegas, Oct 14 2013 "Arnheim's Chair and the Redemption of Modernism" at Wölfflin's Grundbegriffe at 100: The North American Reception Colloquium, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, June 22-23, 2012. “Architecture of the MIT Campus” at 2012 Tech Reunions, MIT Alumni Association, Stratton Center Mezzanine, June 8, 2012. “The Non-West in a Non-Global World,” Keynote Address. The Dis-appearing Non-west Conference, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, May 4, 2012. “Global History in a Not-So-Global World” in the panel Global History as a Model for Architectural History, 2012 Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan, April 19, 2012. “Global in a Not-So-Global World: The Changing Status of Architecture“ Architecture Theory and Practice Lecture, co-sponsored by the Art and Architecture Lecture Fund and the Architectural Design Concentration at Stanford Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, January 25, 2012. “From Corridor (Spanish) to Corridor (English),” “Dienstbarkeits-architekturen” vom Service- Korridor zur Ambient Intelligence (Architecture of Service Spaces: From the corridor to the Ambient Intelligence), Weimar, Germany, May 26- 28, 2011. "The Unstainability of Sustainability" Rhode Island School of Design, May 4, 2011. “Cultural Nationalism and Global Paradox” in the panel ‘History’s (Un)predictable Futures,’ The Future of History conference, University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, April 1-2, 2011 "Corridic Modernity," New England Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians, held at the MIT Media Lab, March 21, 2011. "Beyond Precedent" a debate with Alberto Perez-Gomez and Martin Bressani, ACSA Annual Conference, Montreal, March 5 2011. "Beyond Global," University of Illinois, Chicago, November 15, 2010. "Corridic Modernity," University of Houston, September 28, 2010. "Beyond Global" College of Architecture, Texas A&M September 27 2010. “Cities of Angkor” talk as part of Angkor Wat in Cambodian Architecture presentations given at the request of the Cambridge School for Cambodia teachers and students about to go on a school trip to Cambodia. MIT, January 27, 2010. “Pantheon lecture” to ARC 133 Introduction to Architecture History I class, Syracuse University, October 21, 2009. “Framing the Global” Syracuse University School of Architecture, October 20, 2009. “The Anti-Expert Expert,” Keynote Address, Expertise: Media Specificity and Interdisciplinarity Conference, Tel Aviv University, May 31-June 4, 2009. "Sustainability versus Eco-Pop" University of Murcia, April 23, 2009. “Framing Angkor, the Southeast Asian Context,” The Cities of Angkor exhibition opening reception lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 28, 2009. “Fasil Gheorgis, Ethiopia, and Architecture’s Borderland,” Architectural Expertise, and Tradition paper session at the Interrogating Tradition 2008 IASTE Conference, Oxford, UK, December 12, 2008. “What’s in a Corridor? And Other Questions about the Origins of Modernity,” Boston Architecture College, May 3, 2007. “The Pantheon in Rome, Debates and Contentions?” Catholic University of America, April 16, 2007. “Africa in a Global Perspective,” Technical Institute of Ethiopia, March 26, 2007 “Ideology of 'Experience': The Phenomenological Turn in Architecture in the 1970's," College of Design Series, University of Kentucky, Sponsored by the UK Committee on Social Theory, April 7, 2006. “Pedagogical Diagrams: Dialogue with Raul Bonschotten,” a seminar, plus panel discussion, part of a two-day event called Stirring the Academy, Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo-suny, March 2, 2006. “Constructing Johnson” in the Roaming Through History session at Phillip Johnson: Portraits, a symposium, held at Yale University, co-sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art, February 17, 2006. “Designing the New MIT (1913): The Five Mistakes that Led to Success” NE/SAH Annual Meeting 2006, held at MIT Museum, February 9, 2006. “Design Problems” at PARAtheses, a symposium, Columbia University, New York, February 4, 2006. “In the Shadow of the Silhouette: The Rebuilding of Dresden” Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamston, MA, October 4, 2005. “The Trans(formations) of Fame” Architecture Between Spectacle and Use, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, April 29, 2005. “William Welles Bosworth, MIT and Rockefeller” The Rockefeller Archive Center, Sleepy Hollow, NY, April 18, 2005. “The Rebuilding of Dresden, Shadows in the Silhouette” School of Architecture, Pratt University, New York, NY, April 4, 2005. “In the Shadows of the Silhouette,” Art and the Fragmentation of Urban Space: Gated Communities, Global Links, Non-Places, Department of Architecture, University of San Diego. November 5, 2004. “The Pantheon in Rome: Whose Pantheon is it?” Department of Architecture, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. October 16, 2004. “Dis/playing the Museum,” MuseUm?, The Time and Place of LEEUM: Restating the Museum, at Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea. October 14. 2004. “What is Critical Historiography?” School of Architecture, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul, Korea. October 11, 2004. “Reading through the Test,” Discipline Building: A Short History of the PhD in Architecture, School of Architecture, Princeton University. April 2, 2004. “The Dresden Synagogue,” Architecture, Urbanism and the Jewish Subject, Department of Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University. March 15, 2004. “Thinking Through Global Architecture,” School of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation, Roger Williams University. January 28, 2004.  “The Pedagogical Sketchbook,” Keynote Address, Architecture History Pedagogy Conference, MIT, November 21-22, 2003. “Dresden/’Dresden” at Wesleyan College, Society of Humanities, and at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Buffalo. October, 28, 2003. “Trans-Urban Space,” Neue Urbanität – Das Verschmelzen von Stadt und Landshaft symposium, ETH, Zurich. January 24, 2003. "Thinking through Memory," workshop funded by American Embassy (Berlin), Checkpoint Charlie Stiftung, Stiftung Luftbruckendank, SenatVerwaltung für Stadtentwicklung. August 7, 2002. “The Crisis of Context: Dresden, Dresden,” School of Architecture, University of Texas, Austin. April 2, 2002. “Dresden: the Paradoxes of Post-Traumatic Urbanism” New York University Silberberg Lecture, Institute of Fine Arts, New York, NY. November 16, 2001. “Collages of Bernhard Hoesli” The Robert B. Church II Lecture Series, College of Architecture + Design, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, September 10, 2001. “Rebuilding Public Space in Post-Reunification Germany,” University of Washington. February 28, 2001; also given at University of Southern California, on April 10, 2001. “Dresden – Locating Post-Traumatic History,” Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University. November 15, 2000. “Dresden’s Kulturmeile and the Heterology of Bauen,” in the panel session ‘Discourses of Place/Deterritorialization’ International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Trani Italy. October 14, 2000. “Designing Trauma: Researching Urbanism in San Juan and Dresden,” Building City and Nation: Space, History, Memory and Identity, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, July 10, 1999. “De-Scribing Architecture,” Department of Architecture, University of Sweden, Lund, January 28, 1999. “Dislocating Discipline,” Urban Territory workshop, Architectural Theory: Models and Media, Alliance for Global Sustainability Meeting, ETH Zurich. January 23, 1998. “Research Territories,” Department of Regional Planning Symposium, ETH Zurich, January 22, 1999. “Locating the Master’s Degree in the Current Academic Situation,” Master’s of Environmental Design: A Critical Analysis, Yale University, February 14, 1998. “Recognizing Ruskin, Refractions of Self,” Visualizing Architecture, a symposium organized by the PhD Program in Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University. April 12, 1997. “Bootstrap Undone: The Pedagogy of Cynicism,” Re-envisioning San Juan, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, January 14, 1997. "In and Out of History," Hypotheses 2, Princeton University, March 29, 1996."Die Unstädtlische Stadt: Überlegungen zur amerikanischen Stadt," Transformation:UrbanLayers, E.T.H. Zurich, November 26, 1994."Das Enigma von Alberti's dissimulatio," Tagung zu Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), Conference hosted by the E.T.H. Zurich, November 21, 1994. "Berlin - A Case for Representing Histories," Berlin Under Siege, Conference hosted by Cornell University, November 3, 1994. “De-Scribing Wolfflin’s Descriptions: The Body Analogy and Its Legacy,” Theories of Visual perception, the Body and Architecture in the Age of Historicism, 1750-1920 session, Society of Architectural Historian Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 29, 1994. "Visuality contra Art History," Princeton University Lecture Series, February 14, 1994. "The So-Called 'Good Germans' in the Battle of the Kunstgewerbe against the Artists of the 'Sturm'," Symposium on Wilhelmine Germany at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., February 14, 1994. "The Problems of Interdisciplinary Historiography," Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., December 5, 1993. "The Making and Unmaking of Florence: From Commune to Duchy" Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Architecture Public Lecture Series, March 18, 1993. "History, Discourses and Historicity in the Making of Theory," Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Plenary Session, Charleston S.C., March 12, 1993, "Animating the Fortress - The Theory and Practice of Alberti's Endangered Humanists," the Thirteenth Barnard College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, December 5, 1992. “Disvolere,” Research PhD. Programs in Architectural History and Theory, School of Architecture, Princeton University. December 7, 1991. “’Good-Life Modernism’ and Beyond—Experiments with the American House in the ‘60s,” Arthur Q. and Mary Davis Lecture, School of Architecture, Tulane University, March 19, 1990. "Putting the Pieces Together - Renaissance Fantasia and Architecture," Louisiana State University, March 15, 1990. Plenary Debate: ‘On History and Theory’ with Judith Hull, Jennifer Bloomer and John Kipnis, Debate & Dialogue: Architectural Design & Pedagogy, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 5, 1989. "Der Architekt als Geschichtler und das Problem der Geschichtsschreibung," Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, April 21, 1988. "Vitruvius, Alberti, and the Temple of Ephesus," Architects Read Vituvius: The Creative Potential of Misunderstanding session, Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 14, 1988. "The Spectacle of Frenzy, and Other Renaissance Urban Visions," The City in the Renaissance, Renaissance Society of America, New York, March 19, 1988. "The Architect and the Vagabond," Society of Architectural Historians, San Francisco; and at Renaissance Conference of Southern California, Los Angeles, May 15, 1987. "Renaissance Literary Patronage: the Architect in Search of an Audience," Symposium on Patronage in Fifteenth Century Florence, J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and Humanities, March 16, 1987 "Leon Battista Alberti and the City of Despair," Columbia University, February 20, 1986. "The Regionalist Rationale in Modern Architectural Theory," Hydra Conference for Regional Planning, Hydra, Greece, June 8, 1983. "Mies van der Rohe and Adolf Behne," Rhode Island School of Design, November 18, 1983. Conference Sessions Respondent: Writing Cities 2012, an interdisciplinary graduate student conference organized by the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Harvard Law School, London School of Economics, and the MIT School of Architecture + Planning, held at the MIT Media Lab, May 12, 2012. Moderator, “Planning India: From Chandigarh to NanoCity” panel, Nano-City Conference, Swissnex San Francisco, July 8th, 2010. video online at Respondent, “History of the Future,” Harvard University, May 11-12, 2009. Respondent, “Discussing Race,” Harvard University, April 30, 2007. “Joseph August Lux and Catholic Modernism and the Origins of the Phenomenological Critique” in the panel: The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Modern Architectural History at Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 7, 2005. “Joseph August Lux and Catholic Controversy in the Werkbund” in the panel: Rethinking the Wilhelmine: History, Historiography, and Theory in German Art and Architecture, 1871-1919 at College Art Association Annual Conference, Atlanta GA, February 18, 2005. Moderator: “Authentic,” ARCHITOURISM Architecture as a Destination for Tourism conference, sponsored by The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Columbia University. November 15-16, 2002. Keynote Panelist, Expertise: Connoisseurs, Consultants and Con Men, Harvard University, October 11-12, 2002. Session Chair: "Architects and Identity," International Association for Colleges and Schools of Architecture, Istanbul, June 16, 2001. Respondent: wanted, an academic symposium, Princeton University, April 28, 2001. Respondent: Hypothesis, Princeton University, February 19, 2001. Discussant, Plenary Session: “Globalization, Deterritorialization and the End of Tradition,” International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Trani, Italy. October 12, 2000. Session Chair: “Rebuilding Culture,” Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, International Conference, Hong Kong, June 11, 2000. Respondent/Organizer: MIT History Theory Criticism 25th Anniversary Symposium, Architecture, Art and Cultural History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 17-18, 1998. Panelist: Architecture-Landscape Past Pedagogical Initiatives, Symposium sponsored by the Department of Architecture, MIT, November 15, 1997. Respondent: Constructing Identity Between Architecture and Culture, Symposium sponsored by Cornell University, March 8, 1997. Respondent: Testing Ground - Contesting Space, Graduate Symposium sponsored by M.I.T. and Harvard University, 1997. “Calatrava and the Boundary of Architecture” respondent and panel moderator, Architecture and Innovation symposium sponsored by the LemelsonCenter for Invention and Innovation at the National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C. held at Smithsonian Institution. May 8, 1996. Moderator and Organizing Advisor: Architecture - Memory - Holocaust, Symposium sponsored by History of Architecture and Urbanism, Cornell University, April 4, 1992. Provocateur: "Literary & Philosophical Explorations," Architectural Education: Where We Are, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 16, 1992. Co-moderator: "Reviving and Revising the Modern Paradigms," Architectural:, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 8, 1991. Lead Moderator: Le Corbusier's Chandigahr, Architecture and Its Context, Symposium sponsored by History of Architecture and Urbanism, Cornell University, April 13-15, 1990. Session Chair: "Architecture of Protest—Protesting Architecture," Society of Architectural Historians, Cincinnati, OH, April 26, 1990. Chair: "Revisiting and Reviewing the Past," Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Washington, D.C., March 3, 1990. Design work with Alexander and D’Hooghe, Yung Ho Chang (Principals of AMY Inc.); invited competition participation for the design of Guangming City, a city for a half million people: China, Shenzhen Municipal Authority; international competition Fourth Place prizewinner. Haker & Jarzombek (firm) submission to the Papierwerdareal Competition received honorable mention, published in Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, no. 6, (June 1980): 38. Jarombek fourth year design work at ETH published in Bernhard Hoesli, “Objektfixierung contra Stadtgestalt,” Werk – Archithese, 33-34 (September 1979): 31. International Conferences Organized Deus (e)X Historia, MIT, Department of Architecture, April 26-28, 2007 (co-organized with Arindam Dutta, Caroline Jones, Nasser Rabbat and Erika Naginski) Architecture-Race-Academe, MIT, Department of Architecture, March 16-17, 2007 (co-organized with Darian Hendricks) Architecture - History - Pedagogy, MIT, November 21-22, 2003 (with co-chair Arindam Dutta) East European Art and Architecture, MIT, October 5-6, 2001 (with co-chair Juliana Maxim) Architecture, Art and Cultural History (MIT History Theory Criticism 25th Anniversary Symposium) MIT, April 17-18, 1998. Interviews3 May 2017: The Architecture of First Societies with Mark Jarzombek (GAHTC), a podcast on "Architecture Talk" 2016: MIT2016 Documentary Series: A Bold Move 2016: Interview with Dan Kubis, Assistant Director, Humanities Center, University of PittsburghApril 2014: Serious Science: Jarzombek on the architecture of first societies2012, CCA: What is the role of the curator in the future?Sept 28, 2010: “Backseat Interview with Mark Jarzombek” by Professor Peter Lang of Texas A&M University on the status of architecture. 23, 2009: Interviewed in Murcia, Spain, produced by Observatorio del Diseño y la Arquitectura. 

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